
My values: Compassion - Truth - Freedom - Justice - Diversity - Creativity

There are a lot of NON Mainstream views & theories in this blog.
don't endorse all opinions in the stuff i post. Especially those related or presented by the pro or anti religion groups! I need to know what they think & pick up any useful facts. I don't take their interpretation of the facts too seriously. I do my own interpretation, I hope you do too! STAY OPEN

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gabriel Audu Oyibo is a Nigerian mathematician who solved the Grand Unification Theory - popularly :3/5 - God Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)

GXZZZZ1000 | November 26, 2008

Gabriel Audu Oyibo is a Nigerian mathematician who solved the Grand Unification Theory - popularly known as the "Theory of Everything" or "The Holy Grail of Mathematics and Physics", in 1990, by discovering the GOD Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT).

In a simple language, GAGUT states that GOD or everything including the Unified Force Field or any fundamental force or particle interactions, is conserved within a transformation process over space and time, which cannot be disputed by ANY logical process. It is therefore the provable truth or theorem of everything which has no possibility of errors logically or geometrically. Any experiment which fails to verify the GAGUT equation is deemed to have been done incorrectly since GAGUT is a Theorem. These suggestions or conclusions are based on the reality that GAGUT is the theorem or a provable truth of everything that says everything is conserved within a transformation process over space and time. Some aspects of this theorem have been verified experimentally and extensively in the labs by a famous French alchemist and chemist named Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794). Einstein through the E =Mc2 verified Gij,j=0. All other correct equations written by anyone are proven to have origins in and therefore also verify Gij,j=0.

GAGUT also proved geometrically that Hydrogen, also called Africanium, is the only real element on the periodic table of "elements" while the remaining 117 previously called "elements" are nuclear compounds of Hydrogen or Africanium, which now has a potential of making science 118 times simpler to study.

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