
My values: Compassion - Truth - Freedom - Justice - Diversity - Creativity

There are a lot of NON Mainstream views & theories in this blog.
don't endorse all opinions in the stuff i post. Especially those related or presented by the pro or anti religion groups! I need to know what they think & pick up any useful facts. I don't take their interpretation of the facts too seriously. I do my own interpretation, I hope you do too! STAY OPEN

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Mathematics of the Human Body

Marty Leeds | Gematria, The Mathemagical Code Of The Universe & The Alph...

The Mathemagician, Marty Leeds, joins THC to talk about the
backwardsness of the school system and the damage it causes to the path
of true learning, the art of gematria, the magic of Pi, the hidden code
in the English alphabet, and the road map to sacred knowledge one can
decode from the King James bible with Marty's cipher.

In the plus
show, we talk more about synchronicity, more examples of this code in
the Bible, the history of language, the code in music, the
astrological connection and the mathematics of the Zodiac.

Check out more of Marty's work and music at: http://www.martyleeds33.com

Get the extended plus show: http//:www.thehighersidechatsplus.com