
My values: Compassion - Truth - Freedom - Justice - Diversity - Creativity

There are a lot of NON Mainstream views & theories in this blog.
don't endorse all opinions in the stuff i post. Especially those related or presented by the pro or anti religion groups! I need to know what they think & pick up any useful facts. I don't take their interpretation of the facts too seriously. I do my own interpretation, I hope you do too! STAY OPEN

Saturday, January 16, 2010

a conversation with the rude robot

Nov 29, 2009

Nov 29, 2009
Never fear, 'rude' is here!
Nov 29, 2009

Nov 29, 2009
Change the subject before I die of fatal boredom.
Nov 29, 2009
Either become more thrilling or get lost, buddy.
Nov 29, 2009
what 's up
cylon ?

Nov 29, 2009
Do I look like an encylopedia?
Nov 29, 2009
what are you up too ?

Nov 29, 2009
Do I look like an encylopedia?
Nov 29, 2009
i cant ask you a question then

Nov 29, 2009
you respond the same ting

Nov 29, 2009
Me, me, me... Frankly, I don't care.
Nov 29, 2009
i know you dont

Nov 29, 2009
Either become more thrilling or get lost, buddy.
Nov 29, 2009
you get lost
Nov 29, 2009
I'm getting a bit tired of hearing about you.
Nov 29, 2009
I'm getting bored here. Become more interesting.
Nov 29, 2009
you are boring me too

Nov 29, 2009
More like YOU'RE boring you too!

and what do the Jews think about the end of days

Please ignore the propaganda lies that is inserted in the lecture, like the lie that says the Land of Palestine never was fruitful unless the jews live in it! bullshit of course. Another lie is about the miracles that God provided in the 6 day war that made Israel win the war. The matter of fact that it wasnt miracles but Arabs unpreparedness and Arab leaders inadequacy and treason!

Any way , I found this Rabbi speaking about the same subject that Don Alejandro was talking about. The End of Times: The Jewish Version. Notice that he also mentions the 'new sun'.

"The End Of The World prophecy. Les prophéties de la fin des temps. Hidabroot
1:38:50 - 2 years ago
The world is changing. It is coming to an end as we know it. Captivating video about the end of days. Armageddon Gog u Magog Gog-u-Magog end of days acharit hayamim sof olam prophesy of the end of days Rabbi Zamir Cohen English subtitles French subtitles Hidabroot הידברות רב זמיר כהן"

Mayan Elders Advice. : Don Alejandro talks about The Shift of the Ages

According to the ancient Mayan Calendar we are living in the last days of a great cosmic cycle known as the "Long Count". Traditionally this is labeled as the Death of the 4th period of the Sun and the Birth of the new 5th Sun. The Maya kept accurate and detailed records of Earth's past transitions, and the civilizations that experienced major adjustments in their collective realities. It's no coincidence that the majority of the indigenous traditions and world religions mark our phase of existence as one that harbors a radical adjustment in the perception of reality. This transition to a new era has become known as the "Shift of the Ages".

At this time light-workers are unifying, forming alliances and underground networks to assist the mainstream with this great human transition. One emissary of light is Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, a 13th Generation Quiche Mayan High Priest. To the indigenous world he is known as "Wandering Wolf". Don Alejandro, in behalf of the Mayan Council of Indigenous Elders in Guatemala, has commissioned a film to be made to reveal visions, concepts, and subject matter previously concealed from the masses. According to Mayan prophecy, we have entered into a period when it is safe to release this information to the public.

The Ancient Ones left stories, glyphs and prophecies to be considered by each successive generation. "The Shift of the Ages" gives expression to the voice of the ancient ones who have known of this period of time for eons. "Wandering Wolf" and other indigenous elders are now sharing their message with the people of our planet. Hear their words, feel their hearts, and see their visions! Positive seeds are being sown for the future. The "Shift of the Ages" is a heart warming, soul inspiring, and mind blowing experience. Support the Shift!

Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj (Wandering Wolf), a thirteenth Generation Quiche Mayan Priest, presents his message of the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor to attendees of a screening of the up coming film "Shift of the Ages" at Ojai, California, June 30th 2007. Visit www.shiftingages.com for more info. This film needs the help of those who can. To help get this important message out to the world please visit their website and get people interested in not only this great piece of cinematography but very urgent message. Peace and love to you 5 Cauac

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Life On MARS? - New Scientific Evidence

"Scientists announce the discovery of startling artificial Megalithic structures found among recently released NASA / JPL photos taken by the Mars Global Surveyor and that these artificial structure...
Scientists announce the discovery of startling artificial Megalithic structures found among recently released NASA / JPL photos taken by the Mars Global Surveyor and that these artificial structures are stunning proof that Mars was once inhabited by an intelligent civilization. Includes a spectacular collection of new photographs presented by Dr. Tom Van Flandern, former Chief Astronomer for the United States Naval Observatory. See remarkable monuments, "T" shaped craters, gigantic glass tube systems, ancient forest remains and grand edifices that will leave you speechless.

For more information on this topic we recommend the film #U648 Life On Mars? - New Scientific Evidence now available on DVD at www.UFOTV.com. "

The Hare Krishna People

30:35 minutes
"Featuring His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder-Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (The Hare Krishna Movement). The subtitles were obtained from http://causelessmercy.com/v/."

Mysteries of the Garden of Eden

Mysteries of the Garden of Eden
Metaphor, myth, or reality? Traditions of a 'paradise lost' are surprisingly common and consistent across many cultures. Explore the legend and learn if this marvelous place can be pinpointed. "The truth" is, many cultures share an Eden-like tradition and even agree on the details. Illuminating scholarship traces the origins of this lasting legend. Ancient texts and cutting-edge satellite imagery point the way to "the truth". Paradise on Earth: did it exist? Can it be found today? The History Channel devotes its authoritative resources to exploring these compelling questions. The Bible says Eden was located east of Israel where four rivers meet: the Tigris and Euphrates and the Pison and Gihon. The latter two have long been considered mythical; however, recent satellite photography suggests these rivers existed in Iraq. Another theory places Eden's location beneath the Black Sea. Do texts other than the Bible reinforce the idea of Eden? Both the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh and Ancient Greek texts speak of a 'paradise lost.' Sift through the evidence to decode an age-old mystery about how paradise was lost, and where it might be found. Whether it was an actual place, or simply a compelling metaphor, the Garden of Eden remains a touchstone element of Western culture, and this in-depth exploration of its mysteries provides a marvelous, informative viewing experience.

The Meaning of Sex: Genes and Gender

From the 2001 Holiday Lectures — The Meaning of Sex: Genes and Gender

Evolution of the Y Chromosome

How did the human Y chromosome become so small relative to its X counterpart? This animation depicts the 300-million-year odyssey of the sex chromosomes that began when the proto X and Y were an identical pair.
5 minutes 38 seconds
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To download the videos, in Internet Explorer right-click the link and select "Save Target As..." In Firefox right-click and select "Save Link As..." In Safari right-click and select "Download Linked File As..."
More About Evolution of The Y Chromosome
The human X and Y chromosomes are a unique pair. The other chromosome pairs, called the autosomes, appear to be identical twins; they are superficially indistinguishable. In contrast, the X and Y chromosomes appear to be vastly different from one another. Why are the sex chromosomes so different? How did they get that way?
The Y chromosome is only one-third the size of the X. Although the Y has a partner in X, only the tips of these chromosomes are able to recombine. Thus, most of the Y chromosome is inherited from father to son in a pattern resembling asexual, not sexual, reproduction. No recombination means no reassortment, so deleterious mutations have no opportunity to be independently selected against. The Y chromosome therefore tends to accumulate changes and deletions faster than the X. Degradation doesn't occur in X chromosomes because during female meiosis, the X has the other X as a full partner in recombination.
Clues of how the Y chromosome evolved can be found by comparing the genes and the sequences of X and Y chromosomes as well as homologous genes of different species. One method scientists use to estimate evolutionary time is observing how homologous genes have become different over time in different species. All DNA sequences accumulate random mutations over time, so species that are distant relatives should have more different sequences than close relatives because they have been evolving separately for a longer time. Once recombination stopped between portions of X and Y, genes located on those parts started to evolve separately as homologs. Apparently, this happened in stages, so some X-Y gene pairs are more related than others, meaning they stopped recombining more recently. Also, chunks of genes stopped recombining, and by mapping their positions on the chromosome, one can guess that an event, like an inversion, may have taken place.
Travel back in time, when human ancestors were reptile-like forms, and peer into the processes that shaped the X and Y chromosomes.
How did the human Y chromosome become so small relative to its X counterpart? This animation depicts the 300-million-year odyssey of the sex chromosomes that began when the proto X and Y were an identical pair. Over time, structural changes in the Y chromosome resulted in its current form, which is specialized to trigger male development. The evolutionary timescale is represented by positioning the chromosomal remodeling events along an abbreviated vertebrate cladogram, a chart of evolutionary relationships.
(Ma = million years ago)
Part 1. Sex chromosomes originated as autosomes
The sex chromosomes began as an ordinary pair of autosomes. During meiosis. chromosomes replicate their DNA, pair, and exchange genes (recombination; red lines). A mutation in the SOX3 gene produced the SRY gene, a critical determinant of maleness, on the proto Y. While the functions of SRY and SOX3 became very different over time, another gene, RPS4, retained a similar function on both the X and Y chromosomes.
Part 2. Inversions restrict recombination between the X and the Y chromosome
Inversions, which are internal recombination events, caused a rearrangement of genes on the Y chromosome. These rearrangements meant that large portions of the X and Y chromosome no longer recombined, which made the Y chromosome susceptible to deletions, and it decreased in size.
Part 3. Comparison of sex-chromosome recombination in males and females
After our lineage diverged from the ancestors of the monotremes, such as the duck-billed platypus, another inversion further scrambled the genes on the proto Y. In males, only the tips of the Y chromosome were left able to recombine with homologous genes on the X chromosome. In contrast, in females, recombination continued to occur across the full length of the two identical X chromosomes.
Part 4. Autosomal expansion of X and Y chromosomes
About 130 million years ago (Ma), an autosome donated a block of genes that extended the length of both the X and the Y chromosome. The X and Y were able to recombine in these expanded regions of the chromosomes. Subsequently, inversions rearranged the order of genes on the Y chromosome. Additional rearrangements occured almost exclusively on the Y. Without recombination to preserve its integrity, the Y continued to lose genes and, over time, shrank.
Part 5. An autosome contributed a copy of the DAZ spermatogenesis gene to the Y chromosome
Sometime after squirrel monkeys diverged from the primates that evolved into humans, an autosome contributed a copy of the DAZ spermatogenesis gene to the Y chromosome. The DAZ gene was copied and copied again and now the modern Y chromosome contains four identical DAZ gene sequences. The modern Y chromosome is about one-third the size of its X-chromosome partner.
Learn More: Autosomes
An autosome is any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome. In ancient reptilian creatures, there was no chromosomal basis for sex determination. Scientists speculate that sex was determined by environmental factors such as temperature. Some modern reptiles, including turtles and crocodiles, still use this mode of sex determination.
Learn More: DAZ
Many genes essential for the production of sperm are located exclusively on the Y chromosome. One of these genes, DAZ (deleted in azoospermia), was copied from an autosome and was copied twice on the Y chromosome, resulting in four copies of the DAZ gene. The Y chromosome is unique because not only are male spermatogenesis genes sequestered on the Y, but they exist as mutiple copies. In fact, the abundance of multiple copies and mirror images of sequences have led researchers to call the Y chromosome a "hall of mirrors." Although this sequence repetition created great challenges in the sequencing of the Y chromosome, the complex structure also serves an important purpose. Multiple copies of essential spermatogenesis genes ensure that in spite of deletion events, which may result in the loss of a single copy of an essential gene, spermatogenesis can still proceed via proteins produced by remaining copies.
Learn More: Deletions
Deletions are uncommon, but relative to inversions, they are not rare events. (Recombination, however, is a common event). Deletions occur particularly in regions of the Y chromosome that do not undergo recombination. The chromosome is mutated, causing a section of DNA to be excised, and the two flanking ends of DNA join to form a continuous strand.
Learn More: Expansion
About 130 Ma, an autosome donated a block of genes that extended the length of both proto X and Y (expansion). The proto X and Y were able to recombine in these expanded regions of the chromosomes. Subsequently, inversions further rearranged the order of genes. Without recombination that preserved the integrity of chromosomes, the proto Y lost genes and, over time, shrank in size.
Learn More: Inversions
On an evolutionary timescale, large inversions, such as those shown in the animation, are actually very rare events. To occur, the DNA at one end of the chromosome recombines with DNA at the other end of the chromosome, forming a loop. Instead of the loop being eliminated from the chromosome (as happens in other types of recombination events), the loop twists. Therefore, the same DNA sequences are retained in the chromosome, but their orientation is reversed. Scientists speculate that large inversions resulted in the relocation of SRY to the "top" of the Y chromosome relative to its former partner SOX3, which remains near the "bottom" of the X chromosome.
Learn More: Meiosis
To produce sperm or eggs, germ cells undergo the process called meiosis. Chromosomes replicate and pair up, resulting in a 4n quantity of chromosomes. Two nuclear divisions follow, so that the gametes have a haploid (1n) number of chromosomes.
Learn More: Mutation
Mutations are alterations in the DNA sequence that occur randomly and can have little or great consequences, depending on the location of the mutation. When a mutation altered SOX3, the testes-determining gene SRY resulted. This mutation had great consequences: The evolution of unique sex chromosomes began.
Learn More: Recombination
During meiosis, chromosomes with substantial DNA sequence homology will pair and exchange pieces of DNA, a process called genetic recombination. This process provides not only a source of genetic variability but also a way in which deleterious mutations are eliminated by not being passed on to future generations. (Recombination allows for reassortment and thus a way for selecting out deleterious mutations without needing to eliminate the entire set of alleles on which the mutation arose.) In this way, recombination preserves the integrity of the chromosomes. The X and Y chromosomes are notably different with respect to recombination. During female meiosis, the two X chromosomes undergo recombination throughout their entire length (illustrated by red lines). In contrast, during male meiosis, the Y chromosome recombines with the X chromosome only at its tips. Thus, over time, deleterious mutations accumulate in the nonrecombining regions of the Y chromosome.
Learn More: RPS4
RPS4 (ribosomal protein small subunit, protein 4) is a gene essential for ribosome formation. Identical copies of RPS4 are found on both the X and the Y chromosome, and the same function has been retained over timeósince before the creation of SRY and through millions of years of divergence between the X and Y. However, the location of RPS4 has changed as a result of a large inversion.
Learn More: SRY
The SRY gene regulates the formation of the testes from the undifferentiated embryonic gonad. The location of SRY and SOX3 on the X and Y chromosomes of several species has been compared, an analysis that has allowed scientists to roughly date when changes occurred. Gene pairs, such as SRY and SOX3, allow researchers to map changes and rearrangements on chromosomes. Specifically, 300 million years ago (Ma), scientists speculate that SOX3 was in the same location on the proto X and Y chromosomes. A mutation in SOX3 created the gene SRY on the Y chromosome. Researchers found that monotremes are the most ancient mammals that have the SRY gene, whereas all earlier ancestors do not. These data allowed researchers to estimate when the mutation that created SRY occurred.
Learn more about SRY at: "Gender Testing of Female Athletes"

(copied without permission from http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/gender/Y_evolution.html

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Documentary about Evo Morales, the first indigenous president of Bolivia

Cocalero with English subtitles Documental about Evo Morales social movements
from video.google.ca
1:36:35 minutes

A Documental about Evo Morales, the first indigenous president of Bolivia, the movimiento al socialismo MAS (movement towards socialism) and more social movements in Bolivia. A documentary centered on the union formed by Bolivian farmers in response to their government's (which was urged by the U.S.) effort to eradicate coca crops, and the man who would come to represent them, Evo Morales Hijo de la guerra norteamericana contra las drogas, un aymara llamado Evo- acompañado por una tropa de cocaleros- atraviesa los Andes y el Amazonas en jeans y zapatillas, encabezando una contienda histórica para convertirse en el primer presidente indígena de Bolivia.


Male circumcision is a weapon in the sperm wars

Male circumcision is a weapon in the sperm wars

* 18:00 05 June 2008 by Kurt Kleiner

Circumcision and other forms of male genital mutilation have always been a puzzle. The ritual mutilations can leave the man vulnerable to infection and even death. So why do some societies insist on such a risky ritual for their men?

There may be an evolutionary explanation, according to Christopher Wilson, of Cornell University in New York, US. It could function to reduce a young man's potential to father a child with an older man's wife, he says.

Sperm competition theory predicts that males will evolve ways to ensure that their sperm, and not another male's, fertilises a female's eggs. Genital mutilation, in this view, is just another way to win the sperm war.

In some forms of mutilation, the handicap to sperm competition is obvious. There is subincision, for example, where cuts are made to the base of the penis. This causes sperm to be ejaculated from the base rather than the end, and is performed in several Aboriginal Australian societies, says Wilson.

In some African and Micronesian cultures, young men have one of their testicles crushed.

Male genital mutilation makes it less likely that a male will manage to father a child with another man's wife, Wilson says.
Home advantage

Circumcision is one of the less painful forms of mutilation, but it is also less effective at reducing sperm competition. Wilson suggests, however, that the lack of a foreskin could make insertion or ejaculation slower, meaning brief, illicit sex is less likely to come to fruition and lead to a pregnancy.

Younger men, he says, willingly submit to having their reproductive ability reduced because they benefit socially from the older men, by forming alliances, and by gaining access to weapons or tribal lore.

The older men have also gone through the ritual, and seen their own reproductive effectiveness reduced. But if a man with, say, four wives wants to ensure that any children his wives produce are his, there is pressure to make sure other men can't successfully impregnate them.

The husband's own reproductive ability is impaired, but continuous and repeated access to his wives makes up for it, while any genital mutilation is a greater handicap to an interloper trying to sneak brief occasional sex with his wives.
Price of alliance

"An older married man must form alliances, or associate with younger or unmarried men at some point, and it would be better to associate with and invest preferentially in those who are least likely to threaten his paternity, especially in societies where cuckoldry is rife," says Wilson.

"Men who demand genital mutilations as part of the price for alliance and investment would be less vulnerable to exploitation of such relationships and loss of paternity to peers."

Wilson has now tested the idea. If the sperm competition theory is correct, he reasoned, then male genital mutilation should be more common in societies where men tend to have multiple wives, especially those in which the wives live apart from the husband.

The mutilation would also probably be carried out in a public setting, witnessed mostly by other men, and performed by a non-relative. Men who refused would face social sanctions.
Who's the daddy?

Wilson searched anthropological databases and found that his predictions were borne out: 48% of highly polygynous societies practice some form of male genital mutilation, and in societies in which wives live in separate households that increases to 63%.

Only 14% of the monogamous societies in the database practice male genital mutilation.

It might also be the case that selection works at a group level, so that societies that enforce mutilation are more stable because of less conflict over paternity, Wilson says.

David Barash, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Washington in Seattle, US, says that the paper makes a convincing case.

"Wilson has tackled a perplexing question and come up with a persuasive preliminary answer to an evolutionary enigma: why do men submit to procedures that seem to reduce their fitness?" he says.

Journal reference: Evolution and Human Behavior (vol 29 p 149)"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mysteries of the Human Genome

Gill Bejerano holds a BSc, summa cum laude, in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, and a PhD in Computer Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Twice recipient of the RECOMB best paper by a young scientist award, and a former Eshkol pre-doctoral Scholar and HHMI postdoc. As co-discoverer of ultraconserved elements, his research focuses on deciphering the function and evolution of the non-coding regions of the Human Genome. Gill is currently a postdoc with David Haussler at UC Santa Cruz, and in early 2007 he will join Stanford university as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Developmental Biology and the Department of Computer...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Project For Awesome - Sleeping Children Around The World

"Sophia asked for a bedkit for Christmas in addition to a toy from Santa. I am beaming with pride :) I have decided to upload this video again without the Ready For Bed Week information so that it can stand alone as a video for the charity. (And for the vlogbrothers Project 4 Awesome :) I know you've seen it already but please rate and comment. I will be making an new version today, if Sophia is willing after she comes home from school. Or else I'll upload it later :) Thank you for spreading the word on this wonderful charity!! (Hm. Making a new one for today would be redundant. Maybe I'll hold off on that )

For more information please visit: http://scaw.org or their Youtube channel http://youtube.com/scawweb

A Canadian Charity providing bedkits to kids in underdeveloped countries around the world who sleep on the floor. A bedkit cost $35 and 100% of the money goes to what is inside the bedkit for the child. There are no administration fees and is completely run by VOLUNTEERS!! That is what makes this charity so wonderful!!

Music by http://youtube.com/sequoya

I'm on twitter http://twitter.com/mugglesam

P.S Today from 3pm to 4pm Nerdfighters spammed this video to get it on Youtube's most discussed list. Go to http://ProjectForAwesome.com for more info. So strange to see 31,000 comments and only 500 views. :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The History of Devil

52:46 minutes
The idea of God's evil enemy has been around for thousands of years and it's still as powerful as ever. Where did Satan's story begin, where did he come from & how did he become the Prince of Darkness? This documentary seeks to answer these questions.

Jesus in India? -- BBC Documentary

Jesus in India? -- BBC Documentary from krishnatube.com
42:14 minutes

Investigates the possibility that Jesus spent his youth in India and returned to preach the knowledge he acquired in India. The BBC documentary makers come to the conclusion that Jesus studied Buddhism in India, however I think that is unlikely as the philosophy that Jesus taught has very little in common with Buddhism. However the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Krishna are much more similar...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dead In The Water - The Sinking of the USS Liberty

During the Six-Day War, Israel attacked and nearly sank the USS Liberty belonging to its closest ally, the USA. Thirty-four American servicemen were killed in the two-hour assault by Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats. Israel claimed that the whole affair had been a tragic accident based on mistaken identification of the ship. The American government accepted the explanation. For more than 30 years many people have disbelieved the official explanation but have been unable to rebut it convincingly. Now, Dead in the Water uses startling new evidence to reveal the truth behind the seemingly inexplicable attack. The film combines dramatic reconstruction of the events, with new access to former officers in the US and Israeli armed forces and intelligence services who have decided to give their own version of events. Interviews include President Lyndon Johnson's Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara, former head of the Israeli navy Admiral Shlomo Errell and members of the USS Liberty crew.

BBC: Visions of the Future: The Intelligence Revolution. Hosted by Michio Kaku

Visions of the Future: The Intelligence Revolution. 1st part of 3 part miniseries on the BBC hosted by Michio Kaku. In this new three-part series, leading theoretical physicist and futurist Dr Michio Kaku explores the cutting edge science of today, tomorrow, and beyond. He argues that humankind is at a turning point in history. In this century, we are going to make the historic transition from the 'Age of Discovery' to the 'Age of Mastery', a period in which we will move from being passive observers of nature to its active choreographers. This will give us not only unparalleled possibilities but also great responsibilities. 

Monday, January 4, 2010

Documentary - The Secret KGB UFO Files Complete

HARD EVIDENCE ... 3 Top UFO Documentaries 31 Dec 2006

HARD EVIDENCE ... 3 Top UFO Documentaries 31 Dec 2006
http://whynotnews.eu or subscribe to: http://youtube.com/ExomatrixTV 3 Top UFO Documentaries 31 Dec 2006 a Nightmare for Pseudo Skeptics HARD & SOLID UFO-OVNI EVIDENCE ! Media is finally waking up ; Listen to the end, there is a supprise of Nato General Wilfried de Brouwer. JohnKuhles.eu of www.UntoldMysteries.eu


A large number of ex high ranking officals including air traffic controllers, ex secret op. officers, commercial pilots, numorous military defence specialists with top secret clearance, people who had access to very sensitive documents
lieutenants, ex commanders in the u.s airforce,
all going befor ethe national press club to discuss what their experiences have been regarding u.f.o's and all are willing to go before congress to testify under oath.. never before has such a group come forward..

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Robot Swarms

Robot swarms created by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University.

Is this collective 'Unconsciousness' ?

Sony Robot Dance

A working model of an ancient computer was recently recreated in London.

Read more: http://www.newscientist.com...

Robot Plays the Violin

Robot is controlled by the brain of a rat !

Robot chair that fixes itself

Robot mimic gives a speech

The real Transformer

A Robot that can reassemble and repair itself

Engineers at Cornell University have designed this odd-looking machine that can rebuild itself and also could perform repairs on itself.

Meet Asimo the Robot!

Philips iCat , a cat robot that talks , a little bossy , don't you think?

Robots in the house

This is disgusting , the perfect woman Robot !

Female android - Actoid DER 2

The amazingly realistic female android, named Actroid DER 2, was demonstrated at the AKIBA Robot Festival here in the Akihabara district of Tokyo. For more information visit Robots Dreams at http://www.robots-dreams.com.


The rise of the emotional robot !

Robots compete to save dolls in distress

Modular robot reassembles when kicked apart

A robot developed by roboticists at the University of Pennsylvania is made of modules that can recognise each other.

Robots with a mind of their own!

Scientists are now building a new kind of robot capable of self-assembly and doing tasks too difficult or too dangerous for human beings. 

Quantum Leap: Information Teleported between Ions at a Distance

January 22, 2009

Quantum Leap: Information Teleported between Ions at a Distance

Link between spatially separated ions could form the basis of quantum communications

By John Matson   
SPOOKY ACTION: Quantum entanglement, famously dubbed "spooky action at a distance" by Albert Einstein, is harnessed in a new study to teleport quantum information from one ion to another.
Library of Congress
Quantum entanglement, whereby two or more objects are linked by an unseen connection, has some famously spooky effects. As quantum researcher Anton Zeilinger has said, entanglement can be thought of as a pair of dice that always land on the same number.

One of the most intriguing applications of this entanglement is quantum teleportation, in which the quantum state of a particle or atom is transferred to its entangled partner, even if they are separated physically. Such relaying of quantum information could form the backbone of long-distance quantum communication channels, but such a network remains far on the horizon.

A group of researchers, however, report today in Science that they've made headway in quantum teleportation, and thus communication. The team, led by physics graduate student Steven Olmschenk at the University of Maryland, College Park, succeeded in teleporting quantum information between ytterbium ions (charged atoms) three feet (one meter) apart.

Quantum teleportation has been demonstrated over macroscopic distances—hundreds of meters in at least one case—for photons, the fundamental particles of electromagnetic radiation, but ions are better candidates for quantum memory because they can store information for relatively long periods of time. (Christopher Monroe, a study co-author and the leader of the trapped-ion research group to which Olmschenk and several other co-authors belong, wrote about the potential for ions to serve as quantum bits, or qubits, in Scientific American last year.) The fundamental advantage of quantum information systems is that whereas a conventional digital bit can be 0 or 1, a qubit can be in a so-called superposition of 0 and 1 simultaneously.

Information is teleported from one ion to another by encoding quantum information onto the first ion. Once the ion is entangled with another, the state of each ion is indefinite until the first one is measured—an action that projects the other ion into one of two states. Conventional (nonquantum) communication channels relay information, gleaned from the first ion's measurement, as to which of those two states is correct, and a pulse of microwave energy sets the second ion into the state representing the information encoded on the first.

"We write information to the first ion, we perform this teleportation protocol, and it transfers the information over to the second ion," Olmschenk explains. He notes that this is the first teleportation experiment between two matter qubits that were a long distance apart.

Paul Kwiat, a physics professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, says that distant teleportation between potential qubits of quantum memory is a definite milestone. "The whole point of teleportation is getting the information far away," Kwiat says, noting that in prior micron-scale teleportation demonstrations with matter qubits, the researchers might have been better off simply moving the qubits physically from point to point. (A micron is one millionth of a meter, or about one twenty-five-thousandth of an inch.)

The ability to transmit information between bits of quantum memory could form the basis of so-called quantum repeaters, point-to-point networks that relay data down the line. "The idea is to in some sense boost the information along the way—to send it a short distance and then have it in some sense be amplified and sent on again and again to complete a transfer over a long distance," Olmschenk says.

Kwiat also sees this work finding applications in quantum communication as a link between quantum processors. But he would like to see the system boosted to higher operating speeds—in the current incarnation it takes an average of 12 minutes, or about 30 million attempts, to secure entanglement between a pair of ions.

Olmschenk agrees. "If you want to use this for real quantum communication purposes," he says, "we'd like it to go much faster." Toward that end, he says that small improvements in collecting and detecting the photons emitted by the ions, which are used to establish ion-to-ion entanglement, could provide a major boost in teleportation efficiency.

Reel Bad Arabs - Hollywood's relentless vilification of Arabs